2024 News & Updates

✦ 2024-12-01

I started writing a novel this month, and although I didn't get that far, it did prevent me from having much work available to post online. I did get a First Impressions review done for Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

✦ 2024-11-01

I did a lot of outlining in October, but I also managed to write reviews for the Dragon Age series.

✦ 2024-10-01

I continued working on worldbuilding in September, and as a result, still don't have much public work to show. Reading recommendations for July-September have been added; there are 5 short stories to check out.

✦ 2024-09-01

Most of my attention this month has gone to worldbuilding for a novel, so I don't have all that much public work to show. I did manage to write two Short Musings nonfiction pieces.

✦ 2024-08-01

I did some of writing this month: one review for Max Payne, and two Short Musings nonfiction pieces. I also finished up an acrylic painting for the first time since 2022.

✦ 2024-07-01

I wrote two reviews in June: one for the Night Springs DLC for Alan Wake 2, and a small one for the 1997 film Cube. I also drew one piece of pixel art.

I decided to work a bit on accessibility and navigation this month. The Veitlen & Nymue comic now has a transcript for each page. The Creative Work and Recommendations pages now have a header with links that allow you to go directly to each section. And most importantly, alt text has been added to all images that didn't have them before.

Lastly, my reading recommendations for April-June 2024 have been added. There are 10 new short stories to check out.

✦ 2024-06-01

I finally upgraded the site and bought a domain name. Welcome to selenicseas.space!

In an attempt to clean prevent too many pages from being added to this website, I've created two new pages: Short Musings and Thoughts on Writing. Both are essentially blogs - Short Musings for my shorter nonfiction pieces, and Thoughts on Writing for my thoughts on writing.

I've removed the Art, Nonfiction, and Reviews pages and added their content to the Creative Work page. The Nonfiction section has been updated with brief summaries of each page. I've also updated the Writing Crisis page so that each separate blog post is its own section. I think it's easier to read that way.

I finished playing Star Wars Jedi: Survivor in May (after a couple of months of procrastination) and wrote a review for it. It's not nearly as long as my review for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, but it goes into everything I think is important.

After some deliberating, I've uploaded my 2018 short comic, Veitlen & Nymue. As a result, there is now a "Comics" section on the Creative Work page.

Lastly, the Links Out page has been updated with a link to Kiriska's guide How to Build a Personal Website under the "Tech" section.

✦ 2024-05-01

April wasn't too outwardly productive of a month, but that's because I spent most of it working on my current story project. I did manage to complete two pieces of pixel art. I've also updated the About page to include descriptions of how I use Dreamdwith, Mastodon, and Pillowfort.

✦ 2024-04-01

March was quite a busy month. I left Wordpress and decided to archive my Writing Crisis posts here. The About page has been updated to include a link to Dreamwidth, and I've made some tweaks to it so that it's more easily readible on mobile devices.

I've added a Links Out page to the top header, which is a combination of the "links out" page I previously had linked on the nonfiction page and the page that listed the SFF magazines I read. I drew two pieces of pixel art and added links so you can jump to a certain year instead of scrolling through the page. Recommendations for January to March have also been added.

✦ 2024-03-01

It was a longer than usual February, but still a short month. I drew four pieces of pixel art and adjusted the main art page so that the latest four pieces of art in each category are now shown as thumbnails.

✦ 2024-02-01

This has been a pretty busy month! I fixed a bunch of incorrect links on the individual conlang pages and added a return link to the 404 Not Found page. I also added a Creative Work page which has links to the art, conlangs, nonfiction, and reviews pages. I just wasn't a fan of how many links were in the header, especially since I want to add sections for fiction and (potentially) comics.

It's also been a good month for art! I did four pieces of pixel art and finally added a page for my acrylic paintings.

✦ 2024-01-01

It's a new year! I've drawn another piece of pixel art and added an art log, for my artwork that doesn't belong in another other category. I've also added an archive for the news & updates so that it doesn't clog up this page. Lastly, my recommendations for October to December 2023 have been added to the Recommendations page.

2023 News & Updates


It's been a busy month! I participated in NaNoWriMo and wrote 27,568 words, but didn't win. I also wrote a nonfiction posts about how Westerners see religion and drew one piece of pixel art.


All I got done this month was a review of Alan Wake II, though I did work on parts of other nonfiction posts that will show up here in the future.


I finished the main art page, as well as two subpages: pixel art and digital art/illustrations. I also finished my full review of Tears of the Kingdom and added my recommendations for the past three months.


I've mostly worked on nonfiction writing this month. I've written about my disappointments with non-anarchist atheism and continued documenting my return to Neopets. I've also added a page of links to places on the Internet I've found useful.

I added an intro to the Nonfiction page and organized it a little. I also started working on art pages, which should hopefully be going up on October 1st.



2023-06-04: Reviews added for Alan Wake Remastered and Tears of the Kingdom.

2023-05-31: About moved to index; about page deleted.

2023-03-03: Entire website is now online! Yay!

2023-02-26: Neocities account created.

2023-01-25: Started coding website (offline).