2023 News & Updates


It's been a busy month! I participated in NaNoWriMo and wrote 27,568 words, but didn't win. I also wrote a nonfiction posts about how Westerners see religion and drew one piece of pixel art.


All I got done this month was a review of Alan Wake II, though I did work on parts of other nonfiction posts that will show up here in the future.


I finished the main art page, as well as two subpages: pixel art and digital art/illustrations. I also finished my full review of Tears of the Kingdom and added my recommendations for the past three months.


I've mostly worked on nonfiction writing this month. I've written about my disappointments with non-anarchist atheism and continued documenting my return to Neopets. I've also added a page of links to places on the Internet I've found useful.

I added an intro to the Nonfiction page and organized it a little. I also started working on art pages, which should hopefully be going up on October 1st.



2023-06-04: Reviews added for Alan Wake Remastered and Tears of the Kingdom.

2023-05-31: About moved to index; about page deleted.

2023-03-03: Entire website is now online! Yay!

2023-02-26: Neocities account created.

2023-01-25: Started coding website (offline).