NOTE: I have no intention of posting any of my writing or comics online ever again. This page will remain as an archive of what was previously online.


The Book of Immortality (August 2020-October 2021)

Two years ago, a civil war broke out in the Meitsung Empire between Imperials loyal to the immortal Heavenly Emperors and Rebels who wanted less Imperial control in their lives and to restore power to the people. The Rebels won, and the far-eastern provinces of the Meitsung Empire seceded and became East Meitsung.

But the Rebels still have their goal of overthrowing the Heavenly Emperors, and the Imperial threat isn't over. The Rebel forces are woefully understaffed and underequipped, and there is no way they would be able to win another war.

So they assemble a team of four people who are tasked with stealing a book out of the Imperial Palace's library - a book which will hopefully let the Rebels reverse the immortality of the Heavenly Emperors and give them a good chance to win.

The Land of Two Moons (February 2019-September 2021)

After not seeing each other for eight years, Veitlen Tyvokala is reunited with his cousin and childhood friend Nymue Rozenbarr after she moves to The Capital to attend the Tsurennupaiva Military Academy. They expect their mandatory military service to be uneventful, and that they will return to civilian life afterward. Their expectations are shattered quickly as they learn that their magic abilities are abnormal.


Veitlen & Nymue (March 2018)

Two children try to sneak into a witch's house to learn a magic spell. While this comic contains characters that would later be used in The Land of Two Moons, it is only a spiritual prequel.

The Gate at the End of the World (February 2017-October 2017, unfinished & abandoned)

Five people are sent to guard the Gate at the End of the World for a year.