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News & Updates
✦ 1 February 2025
In January, I added a section to the About page, detailing what kind of data I collect on visitors and what I do with it (spoiler: I don't have access to anything, really). I added a review of Sailor Moon Cosmos to the Movie Thoughts page, and updated the Art Log. Lastly, the Links Out page has been updated to include the new home of Fantasy Magazine - it's been picked up by Psychopomp.
- About page updated
- Movie Thoughts updated
- Two new pieces added to the Art Log
- Links Out page updated to include the new home of Fantasy Magazine
✦ 1 January 2025
December was a pretty busy month! I wrote a full review for Dragon Age: The Veilguard and a shorter one for Alan Wake II's Lake House DLC. Some new and old art has been added to the Art Log, and I've created a new page containing my Sailor Moon fanart through the years.
Recommendations for October to December have been added! It's not just short stories this time; there are manga and a video game as well.
- New reviews added: Some Thoughts On: Dragon Age: The Veilguard and Some Thoughts On: The Lake House
- Three new pieces added to the Art Log
- One new Pixel Art piece added
- Art log updated to include pieces from 2015-2021
- Page added for Sailor Moon Fanart
- Recommendations for October-December 2024 added
To-Do List
- Chatbox? Some way to contact me that isn't social media?