Last updated 29 January 2023
Lexember 2021
In 2020, I worked on Soleisu.
Day 1
kala / n. language
Day 2
lü /ly/ n. fish
Day 3
tolko /tol.ko/ n. moon
Day 4
yene / n. sun
Day 5
hali / n. star
Day 6
selio / n. water
Day 7
palha /pal.ha/ n. fire
Day 8
mailke / n. dirt, earth
Day 9
kannai /kan.nai/ n. person
Day 10
narai /na.rai/ n. thought
Day 11
laati /la.a.ti/ n. memory
Day 12
lunta /lun.ta/ n. secret
Day 13
se /se/ prn. 1SG (I, me)
Day 14
anali / v. to shine
Day 15
katnei /kat.nei/ v. to see
Day 16
itali / v. to speak
Day 17
satoi /sa.toi/ v. to read
Day 18
salkai /sal.kai/ v. to walk
Day 19
matni / v. to think
Day 20
selini / v. to flow (water)
Day 21
soleisu / n. river
Day 22
silu / n. mountain
Day 23
kesli / v. to sing
Day 24
ika /i.ka/ n. house
Day 25
soi /soi/ n. food
Day 26
nome / adj. black
Day 27
nimu / n. cloud
Day 28
ensi / n. tree
Day 29
piya /pi.ja/ n. sky
Day 30
tiku /ti.ku/ n. light
Day 31
osei /o.sei/ adj. bright
Lexember 2020
In 2020, I worked on Sänirtäm.
Day 1
meidurha /ˈmeidurˌhɑ/ n. inam. – asteroid. From meiyan “outer space” + durha “rock, stone”.
Day 2
ulera /ˈuleˌrɑ/ n. inam. – thing, object, noun (inanimate only)
ulerax /ˈuleˌrɑx/ n. anim. – thing, object, noun (animate only)
Day 3
dänna /ˈdʑænnə/ v. – to be moved (physically)
dännu /ˈdʑænnu/ v. – to move (physically)
Day 4
dännusen /ˈdʑænnuˌɕeɲ/ n. anim. – an action, a movement, a verb. From dännu “to move” + sen, a suffix that creates nouns.
Day 5
savnitäm /ˈsɑuɲiˌtɕæm/ n. anim. – conlang. From savniyu “to build” + täm “language”.
Day 6
munna /ˈmunnə/ n. inam. – a descriptor, a modifier, an adjective
Day 7
tumdäkkur /ˈtumdʑækˌkur/ n. anim. – bear. From tum “great, big” + däkru “to hunt”.
Day 8
yuluh /ˈjulux/ n. anim. – animal
Day 9
hanem /ˈhɑɲem/ n. anim. – blood
Day 10
vihki /ˈʋiçci/ – n. inam. – metal
Day 11
dävvihki /ˈdʑæʋʋiçˌci/ – n. inam. – mercury. From dännu “to move” + vihki “metal”.
Day 12
kavvihki /ˈkɑuʋiçˌci/ n. inam. – cinnabar. From kavara “crystal” + dävvihki “mercury”.
Day 13
buras /ˈburæɕ/ n. anim. – fish
Day 14
Durhavandes /ˈdurhəˌwɑndʑeɕ/ n. anim. – Mercury (rock planet)
Urtevandes /ˈurtɕeˌwɑndʑeɕ/ n. anim. – Venus (gold planet)
Hanavandes /ˈhɑnəˌwɑndʑeɕ/ n. anim. – Mars (red planet)
Day 15
Ittevandes /ˈittɕeˌwɑndʑeɕ/ n. anim. – Uranus (pale blue planet)
Itsurevandes /ˈitsuˌrewɑndʑeɕ/ n. anim. – Neptune (deep blue planet)
Day 16
tai /ˈtɑi/ n. inam. – ring, circle, halo
Day 17
Taivandes /ˈtɑiwənˌdʑeɕ/ n. anim. – Saturn (ring planet)
Day 18
emeris /ˈemeˌriɕ/ n. anim. – a monarch (king/queen)
Day 19
Emerivandes /ˈemeˌriwɑndʑeɕ/ n. anim. – Jupiter (king planet)
Day 20
gälen /ˈɟæleɲ/ n. anim. – nail, claw
Day 21
aran /ˈɑrən/ n. anim. – mouth
Day 22
kurim /ˈkurim/ n. anim. – hair, fur
Day 23
ivosa /ˈiwoˌsɑ/ n. inam. – bone
Day 24
rissa /ˈriɕɕə/ n. inam. – color
Day 25
rissatu /ˈriɕɕəˌtu/ adj. – colorful
Day 26
vin /ˈʋiɲ/ det. – every, all
Day 27
girna /ˈɟirnə/ v. – to shimmer, glisten, glimmer
Day 28
horra /ˈhorrə/ v. – to glow
Day 29
soru /ˈsoru/ v. – to tell the truth
Day 30
kässoru /ˈcæɕɕoˌru/ v. – to actively lie, tell an untruth
kässora /ˈcæɕɕoˌrɑ/ v. – to unknowingly lie
Day 31
täs(a) /ˈtɕæɕ/ adj. – new
Lexember 2019
In 2019, I worked on Sänirtäm.
Day 1
kera [ˈce.rə] n. inam. paper
Day 2
verna [ˈʋer.nə] n. inam. feather, quill, pen
Day 3
surtovnas [ˈsur.tou.ˌnɑs] n. anim. ink. From sur “black” and tovnas “water”.
Day 4
ketro [ˈcetɕ.ro] n. inam. block, brick, any blocky rectangular-shaped object. Combined with yesterday’s word, we have surtovnas ketro, which means “ink stick”.
Day 5
rivvada [ˈriw.wə.ˌdɑ] n. inam. (1) clay, (2) tablet, (3) any thin rectangular object
Day 6
kerrada [ˈcer.rə.ˌdɑ] n. inam. book. From kera “paper” and rivvada “tablet”.
Day 7
ges [ˈɟeɕ] n. anim. word
Day 8
parnas [ˈpɑr.nəs] n. anim. story
I also created geskerrada “dictionary”, from ges + kerrada (literally "word book").
Day 9
täm [ˈtɕæm] n. anim. language. Finally, the täm part of sänirtäm has a meaning! Maybe tomorrow I’ll figure out what sänir means.
Day 10
sänir [ˈɕæ.ɲir] n. anim. a single flame, such as that produced by a candle. From sän "fire" + ir "diminutive suffix"
Day 11
kivah [ˈci.wəx] n. anim. an epic, a narrative poem
Day 12
moranas [ˈmo.rə.ˌnɑs] n. anim. hero, protagonist of a kivah
Day 13
litaras [ˈli.tə.ˌrɑs] n. anim. motive, incentive, driving force
Day 14
dernäm [ˈdʑer.ɲæm] n. anim. a poem
Day 15
kissä [ˈciɕ.ɕæ] n. inam. page of a book
Day 16
rayah [ˈrɑ.jəx] n. anim. any art, including writing, drawing, painting, sculpture, calligraphy, martial arts, and philosophy
Day 17
eviträ [ˈe.ʋitɕ.ˌræ] n. inam. marble (limestone)
Day 18
niro [ˈɲ] n. inam. a vase, especially a decorated one
Day 19
liran [ˈli.rən] n. anim. a color of the visible light spectrum
Day 20
yanus [ˈjɑ.nus] n. anim. paint
Day 21
tuvan [ˈtuwən] or [ˈtuən] n. anim. a star, particularly a sun that is known to have planets orbiting it
hinnas [ˈçiɲɲas] n. anim. a star in the night sky
Day 22
tän [ˈtɕæn] adj. white (color)
Day 23
ittän [ˈittɕæn] adj. light-colored, pale
Day 24
itsur [ˈit.sur] adj. dark-colored
Day 25
even [ˈeʋeɲ] adj. sky blue
Day 26
kel [ˈcel] adj. the shades of yellow found in nature
Day 27
pet [ˈpetɕ] adj. the green color of living plants
Day 28
peren [ˈpereɲ] adj. any unnatural bright green color, especially neon green
Day 29
akara [ˈakəˌrɑ] n. inam. silver (element, metal)
Day 30
urte [ˈurtɕe] n. inam. gold (element, metal)
Day 31
mirin [ˈmi.riɲ] n. anim. year
Lexember 2018
This Lexember, I worked on Rennukat - the conlang I created for The Land of Two Moons.
Day 1
iro [ˈ] v. to exist physically
- Tsu rennut iro.
- [tsu ˈrɛn.nʊt ˈ]
- two moon.NOM.PL exist.PRS.IND
- “There are two moons”.
Day 2
syven [ˈsy.vɛn] n. star
Day 3
syvekerru [ˈˌkɛ] n. galaxy (star-cloud)
Day 4
rennudiren [ˈrɛˌdi.rɛn] n. an impact crater caused by the former moon Ellinen
Day 5
lerucha [le.ˈru.tʃa] n. theocracy. A loanword from Ciniáne leruggeá [le.rud.dʒe.ˈɑː] “God republic”
Day 6
hasra [ˈhas.ra] n. desert
Day 7
varasynne [ˈva.ra.ˌsʏ] n. taijitu. From vara “dark” + synne “light”.
Day 8
maita [ˈmaɪ.ta] n. magic.
- vara maita “dark magic”
- synne vaita “light magic”
Day 9
nahtaryklun [ˈnah.ta.ˌrʏk.lʊn] n. spirit weapon. From nahta “soul” + ryklun “weapon”.
Day 10
Akoisusei [ˈa.koɪ.ˌsu.seɪ] n. The Goddess of Mercy. From akoi “behold” + susei “mercy”.
Day 11
dyhtail [ˈdʏh.taɪl] n. deity
Day 12
soiny [ˈsoɪ.ny] n. pigeon
Day 13
aven [ˈa.vɛn] n. crossroad. Sai Avenit “The Crossroads” is a city in the Western District of Tsurennupaiva.
Day 14
chanda [ˈtʃan.da] n. serendipity. Chanda is the name of the current Avatar of Akoisusei (The Goddess of Mercy).
Day 15
Sairren [ˈsaɪr.rɛn] n. One of the moons that orbits the planet Talassa.
Day 16
Veitlen [ˈveɪt.lɛn] n. One of the moons that orbits the planet Talassa. Also the name of one of the protagonists of The Land of Two Moons.
Day 17
koissa [ˈkoɪ] n. avatar
Day 18
meinara [meɪ.ˈna.ra] n. planet
Day 19
tsyra [ˈtsy.ra] n. diamond
- pevu tysra “carbonado (black diamond)”
Day 20
narzyll [ˈnar.sʏl] n. beryl. This is an old loanword that’s kept its spelling.
- juki narzyll “goshenite”
- kane narzyll “red beryl”
- losir narzyll “morganite”
- ris narzyll “aquamarine”
- ryt narzyll “emerald”
- tuura narzyll “heliodor”
Day 21
hallionhiljon [hal.ˈli.ɔn.ˌhɪl.jon] n. solstice. From hallion “sun” + hiljo “stand still”. The final -n exists solely because hallionhiljo sounded too awkward.
Day 22
mortjara [mɔr.ˈtʃa.ra] n. sapphire. From mor “deep blue” + tjara “gem”.
Day 23
kanetjara [ˈˌtʃa.ra] n. ruby. From kane “red” + tjara “gem”.
Day 24
sherir [ˈʃe.rɪr] n. quartz. A loanword from an old, lost language.
Day 25
diren sherir [ˈdi.rɛn ˈʃe.rɪr] n. stishovite. From diren “crater” + sherir “quartz”.
Day 26
aritehde [ˈa.ri.ˌtɛ] n. silver. From ariana “silver color” + tehde “metal”.
Day 27
haturra tehde [ha.ˈtu.ra ˈtɛ] n. gold. From hatuura “gold color” + tehde “metal”.
Day 28
artemaren tehde [ˈar.te.ˌma.rɛn ˈtɛ] n. bismuth. From artemaren “rainbow” + tehde “metal”.
Day 29
natarika [ˈna.ta.ˌri.ka] n. demon.
Day 30
vuhta [ˈvʊh.ta] n. ghost
Day 31
manavah [ma.ˈna.vah] n. human