Originally posted on Wordpress on 6 September 2021


Ciniáne or Ciniáthyssyn "Ciniá's language" is the language of the Ciniáne people. Prior to the Cataclysm, it was the most-spoken and official language of Ciniáthyleruggeá, The God-Republic of Ciniá. In the present day, it is spoken by most of the Ciniáne, an ethnic minority group of Tsurennupaiva.

Ciniáne was created in December 2016 for the second version of The Gate at the End of the World. The God-Republic of Ciniá was the country that Brithan Thiosciáre was from. I imported the character, country, ethnic group, and language into The Land of Two Moons.

Ciniáne's phonology is influenced quite a bit by Greek & Italian. Ciniá itself was inspired by Mediterranean cultures, so the influences seemed appropriate.


All consonants can be geminated, though in practice this does not happen. Certain consonants "palatalize" before front vowels:

Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m n
Stop p b t d k g
Fricative f v s z ʃ ʒ θ h
Affricate ts dz tʃ dʒ
Approximant l j

All vowels have long and short forms. Like with a lot of Romance languages (and perhaps other languages I am unfamiliar with), /i/ becomes /j/ before vowels.

Front Back
Close i iː y yː u uː
Mid e eː o oː
Open æ æː ɑ ɑː

Why does this Italian-looking language have /y/, /æ/, and /ɑ/? Well, I'd just learned about Finnish vowels at the time, and I wanted a more symmetrical phonology. I also wanted to be able to use in the alphabet.

Ciniáne also has a couple of dipthongs: /ɑi/, /æi/, /ei/, and /ou/.

Syllable structure is CVC, where C is any consonant (including geminated consonants) and V is any vowel (including diphthongs). I genuinely do not know why I did not flesh this out further./p>

Word stress is...inconsistent. Stress falls on the syllable with a long vowel, wherever that syllable might be. In words where there is no long vowel, stress falls on the penultimate syllable.


Pronouns are marked for case in the same way nouns are.

Singular Plural
1st zæn tsǽre
2nd lle lletól
3rd cainé muré

Ciniáne is pretty different than most of my other conlangs regarding pronouns...because the plural forms aren't simply the singular with the plural suffix. That is genuinely what I do most of the time.


Nouns have three cases: nominative (unmarked), genitive (-thy), and dative (-). The nominative is used in most places, the genitive is used to show possession and that a noun modifies another noun in some way, and the dative is used when the noun is any kind of object.

Nouns have two numbers: singular and plural. The plural marker is -tól.


Adjectives precede nouns, and are not marked in any way.

To create adjectives from nouns and verbs, the suffix -ne is used. Most adjectives are created this way, even ones like that would like "blue" and "green" - there are Ciniáne nouns for "blue thing" and "green thing", and they have -ne suffixed to created the adjectival versions of those words.

Ciniáne, by itself, means "of or pertaining to Ciniá". Ciniáthyssyn is the specific word for the language, and Ciniáthycithætol is the word used to refer to the ethnic group.


Verbs are marked for tense and aspect:

Infinitive -i
Past -éllæ
Past Habitual -ttéa
Present -
Present Habitual -mmu
Future -hy

I never created a large dictionary for Ciniáne. Here are some example sentences showing the different verb forms, using hyvælli "to speak":

Zæn hyvæll Ciniánesú.

Tsǽre hyvællmmu Ciniánesú.

Lle hyvælléllæ Ciniánesú.

Cainé hyvællttéa Ciniánesú.

Muré hyvællhy Ciniánesú.

Concluding Thoughts

Ciniáne is essentially a glorified naming language. When I created it in December 2016, it was so I had a conlang to participate in Lexember with. After I stopped working on The Gate at the End of the World, I had no real reason to work on the conlang anymore, so I abandoned it. Even after moving it over to The Land of Two Moons, it remained untouched.

I doubt I'll come back to this conlang again. I still have no reason to touch it! However, Ciniáne is still phonologically & orthographically interesting to me, so I imagine I'll recycle some parts of it into another conlang someday.